Hear it from our founder...

Last day of "normal" before their God-chasing trip.
It began with a dream...
Long before CareImpact was even a thought, founders Harold & Wendi Park both had the same vivid dream one night that forever ruined them for the ordinary.
It led them not only to open their home to others, but to also quit their secure careers to begin a new journey. All they knew was that God desires the Church across Canada to effectively journey with children and families in hard places. The magnitude of this calling, the lack of Church engagement & the national crisis was not lost on them.
Thus began a nation-wide “God-chasing” family adventure, researching and networking widely among everyone they discovered to be involved in child welfare, at every level.
Hoping to find an existing charity to work under, it became apparent that they would be starting from ground zero, including a zero budget and zero clue how the mission could be realized.
But ground zero came with perks - countless miracles, unprecedented bridge-building, faith-stretching challenges, and a growing collaborative of people and organizations who all share major threads of this story unfolding.
CareImpact (formerly known as Forever Families of Canada until 2021) was incorporated in 2014, with national charitable status attained in 2015. It now has team presence in 4 provinces and is connecting people coast to coast.
Harold & Wendi's worlds collided 2002 in seminary, where they both served on student council. It was a case where city Korean boy meets globetrotter Mennonite girl, bonded by research papers, psychology assessments, "solving world issues," and mostly by their mutual love for God and desire to serve others. They were married in 2005 and open to whatever adventure lay ahead - not knowing how different their path would take them. Their international made-in-Canada family consists of five children and two grandchildren ranging from toddler to young adults.