WITH GUEST: Donavan Friesen
The second conversation in our "Leading Differently Together" series. Host, Wendi Park engages with Donavan Friesen in an inspiring discussion about apostleship's role in faith communities. Friesen shares his journey as a leader, emphasizing the vitality of everyday acts of faith, the nurturing of gifts within the church, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Donavan advocates for risk-taking, humility, and co-creation with God to foster church growth and address cultural relational poverty. The conversation also touches on the personal challenges and triumphs associated with being an apostolic leader in today's world. This episode is a compelling dive into leading with care and the transformative potential of apostolic vision within the Canadian Church.
[05:58] Seeking original intent and unique experiences.
[10:05] Problem solving requires deep, creative engagement.
[12:28] Asked to play guitar, challenged to sing.
[15:03] Appreciation for teachings, discipleship, and self-sacrifice.
[20:16] Grand ideas can transform communities through prayer.
[23:01] Personality types based on fivefold ministry beliefs.
[24:15] Teaching evangelism, finding gifts, bearing fruit addicting.
[30:55] Embrace diversity of apostolic giftings in congregation.
[32:31] Transformation through community approval and apostolic leadership.
Anchor Point Church Winnipeg: https://youranchorpoint.com/
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Email: podcast@careimpact.ca
Editing and production by Johan Heinrichs: arkpodcasts.ca
Listen to the whole series