WITH GUEST: Cath Livesey
In this insightful conversation we welcome Cath Livesey to explore the vital role of prophets within the Church's APEST model. Cath delves deep into the prophetic identity and voice, encouraging listeners to engage in contemplation and stillness to foster their connection with God.
Through a narrative woven with personal experiences and practical advice, we discuss the essentials of effective communication for prophets, the synergies between apostolic and prophetic ministries, and the overarching necessity of discernment to ensure prophecy aligns with God's character.
This conversation serves as a compelling guide for anyone looking for Prophetic Ministry Growth and to deepen their understanding of prophecy and its place in contemporary faith practice.
[06:09] Book discusses diverse prophetic traditions, urging unity.
[09:49] Demystifying prophecy: hearing God and sharing his words.
[13:06] Prophets are wired for worship and warfare.
[15:07] Prophets empower church by channeling their gifts.
[17:22] Maturing prophetic gifting involves love and alignment.
[23:30] Discern scripture, listen to community for guidance.
[27:23] Reclaiming church's prophetic voice for global hope.
[29:14] Commit to 5 minutes daily stillness with God.
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Editing and production by Johan Heinrichs: arkpodcasts.ca
Listen to the whole series