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🎧 The Battery Life of a Social Worker: Balancing Empathy and Self-Care

With Rebecca


How does a social worker maintain peace and hope amidst relentless challenges? This conversation on Journey With Care features Rebecca, a social worker and case manager deeply committed to supporting children, youth, and caregivers. Discussing the emotional toll of her work, Rebecca candidly reveals feelings of frustration and sadness with systemic failures and tough outcomes.

We highlight the significant role of churches in supporting social workers through compassion and practical acts of kindness, with a particular focus on the positive impact of initiatives like CarePortal and CareImpact.

Time Stamps

[04:25] Similar situations, unique individuals, engaging with empathy.

[08:02] Supporting professionals in challenging, high-pressure roles.

[11:12] Left previous job, sought other options, avoided stress.

[16:04] Taking a break for fresh air and reflection.

[16:50] Coping with emotions and maintaining professionalism.

[20:25] Hold on to metaphorical pebbles for hope.

[24:11] Maintain faith, stay connected with Jesus and others.

[27:53] Pray for people outside the church community.

[30:35] Empowering churches to care and make a difference.

[33:32] Church supports social workers, impacts lives positively.




Romans 5:3-4: A Journey of Faith and Endurance

Corresponding Episode:

The Battery Life of a Social Worker: Balancing Empathy and Self-Care


Romans 5:3-4

ESV (English Standard Version)

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.

NLT (New Living Translation)

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

NIV (New International Version)

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Ask Yourself

"How can I find and celebrate small moments of hope and joy in challenging situations this week?"

Walk it Out


  • Meditate on Romans 5:3-4, considering how endurance through trials can develop your character and hope. Reflect on the positive impacts, no matter how small, that you can make through God's power. Acknowledge and write down small positive impacts you have made or witnessed each day, celebrating God's hand in those moments.


  • Take a moment each day to recognize and appreciate the small victories and moments of progress. Consider how these small achievements can contribute to your overall sense of hope and joy. Reach out to caregivers and social workers you know, offering words of encouragement and support.


  • Pray for the strength and joy to endure challenges and cherish small victories.

  • Pray for caregivers and social workers, asking God to sustain them and fill them with hope.

  • Pray for your own heart to be transformed, finding joy and purpose in trusting God amidst difficulties.


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